Wednesday, December 5, 2007


To give us an idea of CD index of the last two years we will use two horse that last won the Derby and one that should have... Street Sense(.68), Barbaro(.70), and Curlin(1.05). After friday's race at Delta Downs we should have at least one or two probable starters and then after the 22nd at Hollywoood a couple of more probable starters. By the way, horses with Storm Cat 1st and 2nd back are running well over synthetic in it's early stages. Remembering that the Derby will be run on conventional dirt Smart Strike, Street Cry, Dynaformer, A.P. Indy, Pulpit and Tale of the Cat(whom may be more of a Preakness producer)might be the best sires to look to. With all the non-sense pedigree-capping, here's the list so far:

Denis of Cork (.36)
Kodiak Kowboy (.58)
Colonel John (.64)
Slew's Tiznow (.67)
Cave's Valley (.69)
Tale of Ekati (.71)
Racecar Rhapsody (.73)
Z Humor (.75)
Sequoyah (.78)
Blackberry Road (.83)
Majestic Warrior (.86)
Bet a Tron (.96)
Court Vision (.96)
Pyro (1.06)

If not for a fast trip we hope for all, at least a safe one.

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